Méthode de maintenance appropriée de la tour de refroidissement

Cooling towers are a critical part of many facilities’ operations, from commercial and industrial air conditioning systems to other forms of heat removal. Regardless of how your building uses its cooling tower, continually inspecting the system to keep it working safely and efficiently is an important aspect of regular cooling tower maintenance. As you consider revisiting how your cooling tower operates, be sure to complete these five steps.

Cooling tower  

Five Ways to Ensure Proper Cooling Tower Operation


When considering the most important aspects of operating a cooling tower, five areas pose a particular threat to the tower’s operation if not regularly maintained. All machinery should be regularly evaluated to check for damage and decay; however, additional measures, when incorporated into a regular maintenance schedule, will keep a cooling tower functioning at peak performance for years to come.

Inspect the Machinery


One of the first steps in ensuring proper cooling tower maintenance is to regularly inspect the machinery. For example, a cooling tower’s water pump can quickly become problematic if it is not regularly lubricated to ensure smooth operation during pumping. You will notice increased efficiency and lower cost when using a well maintained pump that meets no resistance as it moves back and forth. During lubrication, it is also beneficial to add lubricant to the motor bearings and water seal, as well as checking the alignment of the pump.

Maintain Efficient Airflow


Restricted airflow is one of the most common causes of poor performance in cooling towers, and it can even lead to a complete system breakdown if not addressed. When air cannot flow as intended through the cooling tower, the cooling tower fan may struggle to perform well, and the air produced by the cooling tower may not feel cool. Interruptions to airflow can be caused by a variety of issues, from scaled or packed cooling tower fill, poorly aligned or lubricated fan, clogged strainers or poor water treatment.

Treat All Water


Water treatment is one of the most critical steps in ensuring both the efficiency and safety of a cooling tower. Cooling towers are a known hotspot for Legionella, a potentially deadly bacteria that can make humans severely ill. However, even aside from Legionella treatment, other types of water treatment can also benefit a cooling tower. Water quality issues such as an imbalanced pH or biological pollutants can contribute to the buildup of biofilms, scaling, and corrosion which will degrade machinery over time and cause poor performance and fouling. Treating the water used by a cooling tower not only prolongs the life of the equipment, but it also keeps any people in the area safe from the hazardous presence of Legionella bacteria.

Cooling tower maintenance  

Clean Cooling Tower Tubes


Les tubes de condenseur situés à l'intérieur des unités de climatisation ou des refroidisseurs remplissent une fonction critique dans l'échange de chaleur d'une tour de refroidissement, mais sans entretien régulier, ils peuvent facilement s'encrasser. Le tartre, la boue, les matières biologiques telles que les algues et même la boue peuvent s'accumuler au fil du temps dans un tube de condenseur, entraînant une capacité de refroidissement considérablement réduite et même une défaillance éventuelle du système. Même les tours de refroidissement qui subissent un traitement régulier de l'eau subiront toujours un certain niveau d'accumulation, c'est pourquoi un nettoyage constant est une partie importante de l'entretien.

Supprimer les dépôts et la mise à l'échelle


Cooling towers work by creating water vapor through evaporation; this is why they are so commonly associated with Legionella outbreaks, since the bacteria infects humans via contaminated water coming into contact with mucous membranes predominantly in the lungs. The water evaporation, created as part of a tower’s regular operation, will contribute to deposits and scaling and adhere first to highest heat transfer surfaces. In particular, the buildup of limescale can reduce the overall efficiency of a tower and cause it to malfunction by serving as an additional barrier or insulator inhibiting the machinery’s intended heat transfer. Descaling to remove deposits should be performed at least once per year, but with proper water treatment this could be a minor issue.


Work with the Cooling Tower Maintenance Experts


Que vous ayez déjà développé un plan de maintenance régulier pour votre tour de refroidissement ou que vous ayez besoin d'aide pour déterminer comment maintenir votre tour de refroidissement à des performances optimales, il est important de travailler avec des experts qui ont des années d'expérience dans la maintenance des tours de refroidissement. Les professionnels expérimentés de Latino établissent la norme en matière de traitement de l'eau et d'inspection des tours de refroidissement et se feront un plaisir de vous aider pour tous les besoins de votre installation. De la maintenance régulière à une évaluation de votre système et des recommandations personnalisées, Latino peut vous aider à prolonger la durée de vie de votre tour de refroidissement et à améliorer son efficacité afin que vous puissiez profiter d'un système CVC qui fonctionne efficacement et avoir une maintenance préventive qui se paie réellement par lui-même. économies d'énergie.

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